• Héron Garde-boeufs - Western Cattle Egret

    Western Cattle Egret

    Home >> Blog >> Western Cattle Egret This little white heron owes its name to the fact that it likes to stay near livestock. It takes advantage of the latter’s presence by feeding on frightened insects. It can be recognized by its rather stocky silhouette, its rather short beak and the distinct bulge of feathers under it. The cattle egret differs from other herons by its massive silhouette and short beak. Western Cattle EgretScientific name : Bubulcus ibisFamily : ardéidésLong. de 46 à 52 cm, Env. de 82 à 95 cmWeight : de 340 à 390 gr Flight The Cattle Egret’s flight is rapid. Like other herons, it flies with…

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