
The Common Kingfisher is a very colorful type bird species of the family Alcedinidae. This bird is a bio-indicator of the quality of an aquatic environment. It frequents the edge of waters whether they are stagnant or flowing. These waters can be very diverse, but they must above all be full of fish, rich in small fish of a size adapted to its own. Because it feeds on small fish and small aquatic animals. These short and rounded wings ensure a very fast and direct flight.

  • Martin pêcheur


    Home >> Blog >> Kingfisher The kingfisher, a very colorful little bird with a very particular look, attracts many wildlife photographers. The colors of its plumage, its attitude and its speed make it a favorite subject for many of us. KingfisherScientific name : Alcedo atthisFamily : AlcédinidésLong. de 16 à 17 cm, Env. de 24 à 26 cmWeight : de 30 à 45 gr Description The kingfisher has a compact body, its short neck supports its large head extended by a pointed beak, its tail and its reduced legs. It has the head a little darker than the body, of a brilliant blue-green according to the places. A red stripe…