Latest pictures – Year 2022
Latest pictures – December
posted on December 28, 2022
Latest pictures – November
posted on December 04, 2022
For the past few weeks I’ve been focusing on a little passerine that I adore, “The Bearded Reedling”. Like all passerines, this one is very restless and moreover it is subservient to the reed beds. Better to choose a day without wind (or very light wind) if you want to hope to see it in the reed beds and succeed in taking pictures.
Latest photos – September and October
posted on October 31, 2022
Latest photos – Août 2022
posted on August 31, 2022
With the heat my photo outings were more rare during this month. Some posts are deserted by birds, because the marshes or ponds are dry, a common thing in summer in the Camargue.
Many marshes are in a state of natural summer drying, which only lasts a few weeks. However, the artificial impoundment takes place during the course of the summer.
Among the birds that we encounter the most during this period in the Camargue, we find many waders (White Stilt, Pied Avocet, and various Knights, among others Harlequin Knight, Cul-blanc Knight, Guignette Knight etc…)
Photographic outings are always an opportunity to contemplate nature, even if encounters with wildlife are not always there.
However, the end of summer is approaching. The last chicks take flight and thus leave their foster parents. The nesting summer visitors begin their preparations for departure without delay. They see the return of the first migrants returning from the North at the end of August and September. This great crossover will thus punctuate the ballet of arrivals and departures of migrants to their winter quarters further south (Spain and Africa)
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