Sunsets in Camargue
Sunsets in Camargue offer us an incomparable symphony of light and color, this region is a magical place to admire them. Between the Petit Rhône and the Gulf of Fos, the Camargue is the largest wetland in Europe. Indeed, due to the vast wetlands it contains, nature offers us an incomparable symphony of light and color. The water of the marshes, ponds and roubines multiplies the reflections and sends its purple face back to the sky a thousand times.
Due to the lack of relief in this region, no obstacle comes between the sky and your eye. The Camargue is in the land of unlimited skies.
Or admire a “Sunsets in Camargue” . . .
Many sites lend themselves well to this kind of observation, for information we can cite :
The surroundings of the Etang du Vaccarès.
The Vaccarès, a vast brackish water pond alone covers a third of the areas occupied by the Camargue ponds, approximately 6,600 hectares. Located in the Camargue National Nature Reserve, it is also at the center of the Camargue Regional Nature Park.
You can walk along the Vaccarès pond by following the D37 road between the Domaine de Mejanes and the Hameau de Villeneuve. The D36b road which runs along the east of the pond also offers remarkable views of the Vaccarès.
There are parking areas on the edge of the pond and two viewing platforms erected by the national reserve.
(On the other hand, it is forbidden to walk along the pond outside these small spaces.)
The Tour Carbonnière
The Tour Carbonnière towards Aigues Mortes in Camargue Gardoise.
It was built at the end of the 13th century, at the same time as the ramparts of Aigues Mortes. Square in shape, spanning the road, vanguard and guardian of the stronghold, the Carbonnière Tower rises majestic and solitary in the middle of the marshes.
The Ornithological park of Pont de Gau
The Ornithological park of Pont de Gau towards the Saintes Marie de la Mer..
You can stay in the Park, and leave long after it is closed thanks to a turnstile..
The sea wall towards the Gachole lighthouse.
The Gacholle lighthouse is located in the Camargue, on the seawall between Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer and Salin-de-Giraud, between the ponds of the Dame, the Tampan and the Galabert, in the National nature Reserve of Camargue
(Attention difficult and regulated traffic).
The road between Galician and the Mas des Iscles
(Scamandre Discovery Center).
This road that runs along the ponds lends itself well to this kind of observation.
(Attention narrow road, some clearances on the lower sides to park)..

Important during your walks : You are in the Camargue, land of bulls, horses and the Flamingo, but also mosquitoes… So don’t forget to bring your mosquito repellent.