• Balbuzard pêcheur - Osprey

    The Osprey

    Home >> Blog >> The Osprey The Osprey is a species of medium-sized diurnal raptor. Its underparts are white, as is the head. It has a dark band over its eyes, more or less pronounced depending on the subspecies. The chest and the underside of the wings and tail have different dark markings, varying in intensity depending on the subspecies: a large dark band at the fold of the wrist and at the end of the remiges, dark spots on the chest and fine gray and black streaks on the underside of the wings and tail. The upperside of the bird is shiny brown. Its long, narrow wings have digitated…

  • Sterne naine - Little Tern

    Little Tern

    It is a small tern recognizable by its yellow beak with black tip, the white forehead which gives it its Latin name (albifrons) and its yellow legs. The outer primaries are blackish. Its tail is short and shakes with jerky movements.