
Laridae are a family of birds made up of 22 genders and 102 extant species. It includes the Larinae (gulls), the Sterninae (terns, terns, noddis and gygis) and the Rynchopinae (scissor-bills).

  • Sterne Pierregarin - Common Tern

    Common Tern

    It is a web-footed bird, of the order Charadriiformes and the family Laridae. The common tern has a grayish mantle on the back and upper part of the wings, while the cheeks, neck, nape, ventral part and notched tail are white. The top of the head is adorned with an entirely black cap up to the eyes extended by an erectile crest

  • Sterne naine - Little Tern

    Little Tern

    It is a small tern recognizable by its yellow beak with black tip, the white forehead which gives it its Latin name (albifrons) and its yellow legs. The outer primaries are blackish. Its tail is short and shakes with jerky movements.