The Ruff
The Ruff in fact closer to sandpipers, is a species of wading birds of the Scolopacidae family and presenting a clear sexual dimorphism, especially during the breeding season. In spring, the male Ruff has an extraordinary appearance because it wears a large ruff, and on the sides of the head, tufts of erectile feathers like the ruff. The coloring of these ornamental feathers varies from white to gray, red and black with streaks and bars. However, the female has no ornaments. The upperside is scaly brown, the chest is barred, lighter. In winter, the male looks a lot like the female but is larger.
The beak is quite short and of variable color: orange, yellow, gray or blackish, legs are long and thin.
The Ruff
Scientific name : Calidris pugnax
Family : Scolopacidae
Length from 21 cm to 32 cm – Wingspan from 54 cm to 58 cm
Weight : from 70 gr to 150 gr
IUCN Conservation Status : LC
The flight is jerky, and shows a white wing bar, and two oval white spots on either side of the rump as in sandpipers.
All the sites it frequents are linked to the proximity of water. Thus the Ruff always lives in wetlands, whether in marshy places, near fresh water bodies, in peat bogs or wet meadows. It also appreciates the seaside, searching the intertidal mudflats (which are exposed at low tide).
Regime – Diet
The Ruff feeds by walking and wading in shallow water, feeding mainly on small invertebrates. During the breeding season, it consumes insects (mainly Diptera, but also Trichoptera, Coleoptera, Orthoptera, etc.), annelids, small crustaceans and molluscs. Plant elements (seeds, flowers and algae) also enter into its diet to a much greater extent than in those of most waders.
First of all in its breeding area, it nests in wet marshes, peat bogs and at the edge of fresh water bodies.
Then the nest is built on the ground, in a hollow among the vegetation, it is lined with dry grass. The males are polygamous. In May or June, the female lays her eggs, generally four greenish in color. She incubates the eggs alone for 20 to 23 days, then will take care of the chicks. The chicks are precocial and can thus leave the nest a few hours after hatching. They will take flight between 25 and 28 days.
It is a migratory bird. In winter, it can migrate as far as southern Africa, but some individuals remain on some western and southern coasts of Europe.
Males head south in June or July, while females and juveniles migrate later, from July to September. Birds of both sexes return from April to May, after wintering around the Mediterranean and in Africa.
Potential threats include habitat loss and hunting. However, the Ruff is currently considered not to be threatened. In Finland, the bird is classified as endangered. This country is home to about a quarter of the species’ breeding population in the European Union.
Song – Cry
This Bird is a fairly silent bird, however it sometimes lets out a low ‘yikes’ in flight, especially females when they are accompanied by immatures.