Courtship of Greater flamingos

In this month of January, the Flamingos are in full parade. It’s a show you never get tired of, and an opportunity to take some beautiful photographs.

It’s a real choreography in which these magnificent birds indulge, four, five movements that they will repeat in a loop. They will raise their heads, spread their wings, show their magnificent color. This parade will last a few months, from December to February-March.
The purpose of this courtship is to allow these birds to find their partner for the coming season. Indeed each year the flamingos form a different couple, but which remains faithful during the year.

The courtship is a very precise choreography (researchers from the Tour du Valat have identified some 136 posture combinations). It’s a kind of dance, where the colors have a predominant part, with very decomposed movements, repeating themselves tirelessly. This is how they will choose each other. Both sexes lend themselves to this “contest of seduction”.

Courtship of Greater flamingos

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  • You can see the article from my site “Greater Flamingo” for more information on this emblematic bird of the Camargue