Blog – Site news

The Blog – Site news, articles and posts on my photographic outings in the field, starting with the most recent. In this section “Over time” you can follow the Camargue birds over the different seasons.

Many articles are devoted to a particular bird. I give you some indications on its identification, its place of life and reproduction, and its protection status… These articles are obviously accompanied by a photo gallery dedicated to this bird.

Post-Site news : the articles

European Robin

European Robin

Home >> Blog >> European Robin European Robin is a not very shy bird, its not very shy nature allows it to be approached easily...
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White Stork
Other Family birds Wading bird

White Stork

White Stork is a large species of wading bird in the Ciconiidae family. The plumage is entirely pure white, except for the primaries and secondaries...
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Eurasian Teal

Eurasian Teal

Eurasian Teal is the smallest of the common surface ducks. It is an excellent sailboat, nervous, often active and noisy at night. It is found...
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Northern Shoveler

Northern Shoveler

The Northern Shoveler is a surface dabbling duck. It is characterized by a massive, elongated beak, flattened and widened at its end in the shape...
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Black-crowned Night Heron

Black-crowned Night Heron

Black-crowned Night Heron is a stocky bird with a broad head, thick, short neck, and short legs. The adult has black crown and mantle. The...
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Bearded Reedling

Bearded Reedling

Bearded Reedling is a passerine the size of a chickadee, with a long stored tail. The male, in its nuptial plumage, presents itself as a...
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Black-headed Gull
Laridae Shorebirds

Black-headed Gull

Black-headed Gull is a bird of the Laridae family, it is white in color with pearl gray wings except the black tip.
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Red-crested Pochard

Red-crested Pochard

This diving duck is remarkable for its very contrasting colors. Male and female are quite dissimilar. The male has a bright red head with a...
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Courtship of Greater flamingos
Wading bird

Courtship of Greater flamingos

The Flamingos are in full courtship, it is a real choreography in which these magnificent birds engage.
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Favorite pictures 2022
The Favorites

Favorite pictures 2022

Here is a selection of my Favorite pictures 2022 taken over the past year.
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Pictures of the month 2022
Pictures of the month

Pictures of the month 2022

Year 2022 to the month the month, with the birds over the seasons, the weather, the migration of the birds and my encounters, discover the...
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Glossy Ibis
Other Family birds Wading bird

Glossy Ibis

Glossy Ibis is a species of bird in the Threskiornithidae family. At first glance it appears black, but it has rust colored feathers with metallic...
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