Eurasian Hobby
The Eurasian Hobby is a small bird of prey the size of the Kestrel belonging to the Falconidae family. This bird of prey is one of the rare birds faster than the Chimney Swift in flight. The adult has slate-grey upperparts, with slightly darker flight feathers. In addition, the head is hooded in black, on which the white cheeks and throat contrast strongly. Between the latter, a fairly narrow black “moustache” descends under the eye, like a hood attachment. A narrow white eyebrow usually surmounts the dark eye, which is ringed with yellow. The cere of the beak is bright yellow.
The Eurasian Hobby has long, pointed, sickle-shaped wings and a rather short tail. When in flight, it resembles a large swift. Male and female have the same plumage, but the female is slightly larger than the male.
Eurasian Hobby
Scientific name : Falco subbuteo
Family : Falconidae
Length: from 29cm to 36 cm – Wingspan: from 68 cm to 84 cm
Weight : from 140 gr to 340 gr
IUCN Conservation Status: LC
The long, pointed wings allow it to fly powerfully, quickly and agilely, with powerful beats alternating with long glides. It often glides with its wings held at body level and its tail more or less spread. It only occasionally hovers.
Its preferred habitat is the edges of woods or copses, preferably in humid areas. It also frequents open areas, particularly moors and cultivated land with trees.
Regime – Diet
Birds and aerial insects make up the bulk of the Hobby’s diet, a specialist in hunting in flight. Twilight hunting of bats is rather rare but possible.
During mating season, in April-May, the partners perform aerial acrobatics. By the first days of June, the Hobby has chosen a nest. This is located in a tree, often an old corvid nest. Eurasian Hobby nests in isolated pairs.
The pair usually has 3 eggs, male and female incubating in turns for 28 days. Chicks hatch two days apart. The female incubates the chicks constantly for the first week, while being fed by the male.
At first, the male does the hunting alone, then the female helps him. The parents return to the nest to feed the young every 2 to 3 hours, or more frequently if they are only hunting insects. After 22 to 25 days after hatching, the young leave the nest but continue to be fed for several weeks.
The Eurasian Hobby winters in North Africa and also in some places in southern Europe. It migrates to Europe from April to September to nest. The Eurasian Hobby returns to breeding sites from March 15 in the south of France.
The Eurasian Hobby currently enjoys total protection on French territory since the ministerial decree of 17 April 1981 relating to birds protected throughout the territory. It is therefore forbidden to destroy, mutilate, capture or remove it, to intentionally disturb or naturalise it, as well as to destroy or remove eggs and nests, and to destroy, alter or degrade its environment.
The Eurasian Hobby is very noisy, especially during the breeding season. Near the nest site, or to warn of an approaching intruder, the pair gives repeated cries. When hunting, it emits a short, harsh cry.